“Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. When taught well, PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.”

– PSHE Association, 2021

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) is a statutory subject which supports young people to develop the tools to keep themselves healthy and well – physically and emotionally - now and in their adult lives.

Here at Beverley High School, our bespoke PSHE curriculum is designed to empower our students to become confident, resilient, self-assured, emotionally-literate young people who can successfully negotiate risks in their lives and use critical thinking skills to make rational, reasoned decisions about themselves and their circumstances, in school and out.

Our carefully considered curriculum, devised by our PSHE Lead Miss Shinkwin, enables students to approach a wide range of topics within the three key strands of study* in an engaging, focused and age-appropriate way. Indeed, the majority of pupils at Beverley high School agree that their lessons are enjoyable, educational and applicable to their own lives.

*(Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World)

PSHE lessons are taught via a sequence of drop-down ‘double-lesson’ sessions and delivered primarily by form tutors in pupils’ regular tutor groups and form rooms. PSHE lessons provide a safe and supportive space for pupils to: develop their knowledge, skills and attributes; explore big questions about important topics; share their thoughts and opinions; respect the ideas of others; be curious and reflect on their learning; be open-minded and challenge their thinking; and, lastly, to develop a sense of community-mindedness by understanding more about themselves, the world and their own unique place within it.

In this way, PSHE forms an integral part of the Personal Development portfolio at Beverley High School and serves to reinforce and strengthen our core values. Pupils’ personal development is also enhanced by a number of whole-school opportunities and initiatives including: assemblies; form time sessions; tutor reading; ‘Big Ideas’ enrichment session; extra-curricular opportunities.