CEIAG (Careers)
This is an important part of the curriculum, and it is of the utmost importance that all young people should be encouraged and supported to move towards a working life which is right for them; will be enjoyable as well as provide economic well-being.
Each student, at Beverley High School , should expect Information, advice and guidance as an entitlement and know what resources are available to make this happen. In moving from adolescence to adulthood, all young people will need to develop:
- An awareness of themselves; their strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes
- An awareness of all the possible opportunities open to them at the age of 16 that are likely to suit their individual skills and attributes as they move into and through their working lives
- The skills of decision-making and action planning
- Positive attitudes towards themselves and others; self reliance and taking responsibility for the outcomes of decisions they make.
Why do they need to develop these things? No-one can escape the rapid pace of development and change in the working world; all young people must recognise and embrace these changes. Within ten years of leaving school, many of them will be working with technology and/or in jobs that have not yet been invented.
Being flexible, willing to move into new or different occupations and having an enthusiasm for continuing training and learning throughout life are the key factors in determining future success. Encouraging positive recognition of this must begin in school.