Aims and Key Points

The CEIAG programme at Beverley High School will be based on recognised learning outcomes and will include:

  • Accurate and up-to-date information about work, training and educational opportunities
  • Work related learning, including a period of work experience (5 days in Y12)
  • Professional, individual guidance
  • Recognising achievement and planning for the future

Currently, the school addresses this in the following ways:-

  1. Dedicated modules from years 7 to 11 within the Wellbeing days dealing specifically with the world of  work and career options
  2. Special awareness-raising activities and opportunities: Years 7 to 11 Industry and Enterprise Activities with a “Work Experience Week” for Year 12 students during the early part of the Autumn Term.
  3. Year 9 have opportunities to develop personal skills through working with the Young Entreprise team doing practical problem solving activities and setting up their own business.
  4. Staff  take opportunities where possible and appropriate to explain the relevance of what is done in school to the world of work

Good liaison is maintained with the career service and a Personal Advisor from the careers service who is allocated to the school is in regular weekly attendance and attends parent’s consultation events.

Year 9 Options

  • Students are given general advice by the “Careers” Personal Advisor, Heads of Departments and teachers.
  • Individual advice given to students by Deputy Head/Careers co-ordinator on specific courses.
  • Form teachers/ subject teacher’s counsel and support individual students in decision making.
  • Option evening is held in the “Spring” term to consult with parents, students and teachers to enable them to make the best choice for Key stage 4 qualifications.

Year 10 & 11

  • Individual action planning takes place and guidance is given to all students who request it or those are recognised by the school to be in need of further guidance through personal interview with the “Careers” Personal Advisor.
  • General advice given by staff through assembly’s and registration sessions.
  • Form tutors support and counsel students with individual action planning

Visiting speakers from the local employers, the Services, Apprenticeships service and other relevant people is a regular feature of the Year 11 programme and inform students of the opportunities available post 16.

Representatives from business and industry attend school to support and participate in a planned range of “Industry/Enterprise” days and events such as Entrepreneur day in the Autumn Term of Y10.

The school supports students in finding out about the post 16 opportunities available through use of relevant websites and online careers guidance programme and they are taught to use this during the Wellbeing days and Form time in year 9 and given further opportunities again in years 10 &11.